WED232: Therapeutic Massage (Albert)

Library Resource Guide

Evaluate Your Sources

As a health care practioner, it is very important for you to be able to critically evaluate health information sources. 

The following guide from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has some great tips on how to evaluate medical information from the Web.

Evaluating Web-Based Health Resources

Web Search Tools

This purpose of this guide is to help you locate quality resources for your medical condition research assignment.  

photo of woman getting a back massage








credit: "massage" by micagoto

Recommended Library Resources for this Assignment

Book Resources: start here to locate general information about your medical condition such as definitions, diagnostic procedures, symptoms, preventative ADLs, etc.

General Databases for Articles: use these resources to locate research articles about your medical condition

Specialized Databases for Health Resources: use these resources to locate research articles about your medical condition (information on appropriateness of massage and holistic treatments)

You can search across all library databases using the OneSearch Tool

Non Library Web Resources

Below are some quality web sites that can help you find information on your topic:

Constructing a Domain Search

Use Google to search for educational, government and organizational websites. 

To construct a site search in Google use the following formats: = educational sites = government sites = organizational sites

For example water and pollution uranium mining and Navajo macrobiotic diet and sustainable agriculture

Google Web Search