Race, Racism, and Anti-Racism

Anti-Racism Online Courses

Spiritual Activism 101 Online Course

From Mashable comes a list of anti-racism online courses "covering everything from African history to modern-day anti-racism." Not all are free, but many are, plus all money paid for these classes goes toward supporting Black educators.

How to be an Anti-Racist

A conversation with Ibram X. Kendi, recorded in 2019 at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen, Colorado.

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As previously mentioned, this list is just a sample of articles that can be found online on the topic of anti-racism. Please submit your article suggestions so that we may add them to the list.

Use the following library databases to find more information on a variety of topics related to race, racism, and anti-racism. Use your MEID and password to access these databases from off campus.

Access articles from a variety of news publication subscriptions provided by the library. Use your MEID and password to access these databases from off campus.