Reference books, like encyclopedias and dictionaries are a great place to start your research. Here you will find an overview of your topic.
All of our print reference books are located on the main level of the library near the computers.
Remember, the purpose of this in class worksheet is to introduce you to library research!
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Biographies for over 320,000 people from multiple sources. Audio and video sources included. Citations provided.
Formally called "Gale Virtual Reference Library." Ebooks, subject-specific encyclopedias, biographies, and contemporary topics organized into a variety of subjects including business, education, environment, medicine, mythology, science, and technology. Easy to search. Citations provided.
Articles and photos illustrating popular culture (art, recreation, politics, music, etc.) through the ages. Citations provided.
Over 3 million articles from dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, quotation sources and atlases. Articles are often very short. “Mind Maps” help with topic exploration. Includes video content.