Formally called "Gale Virtual Reference Library." Ebooks, subject-specific encyclopedias, biographies, and contemporary topics organized into a variety of subjects including business, education, environment, medicine, mythology, science, and technology. Easy to search. Citations provided.
Over 3 million articles from dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, quotation sources and atlases. Articles are often very short. “Mind Maps” help with topic exploration. Includes video content.
Reference eBooks covering topics in literature, history, science and health, biographies, careers. Several subject-specific encyclopedias included. Citations provided.
Full text of Arizona Republic (AZ daily newspaper) from 1999 through present. Citations provided.
Peer-reviewed scholarly journals and magazines related to science, social sciences and humanities. Easy search tools help you find images, videos, news, and books too! Audio files often included. APA and MLA citations provided.
While reference and scholarly articles are included, this is a great source for more general interest publications, such as magazines and newspapers. Articles on a wide range of topics and available in audio format. Citations provided.
Full-text magazines, journals, and other resources most of which are peer-reviewed. Wide range of subjects. A great place to start most research projects. Images and videos accompany most topics. Citations provided.
Full-text magazines, reference books and primary source documents including video, photos, maps and flags. Some trade publications for workers in various professions. Citations provided.
Up-to-date reports on “hot” topic issues (like gun control and immigration). Definitions and chronologies are clear and easy to understand. Pro/con essays and statistics often are included with the reports.
Hundreds of topics. “Pro” and “Con” positions are presented. Descriptions, definitions, infographics of relevant statistics, news and histories cover all aspects of most topics. Citations provided.
Get an overview of your issue. Read the “Pro” and “Con” positions in Viewpoints to support your research. Many topics are covered. Articles and essays include newspaper and magazine articles, statistics, maps, videos, history and more. Easy to navigate. Citations provided.