Gathering background information from a variety of sources can help out in a number of ways:
Encyclopedias are a great source for background information! Here is a sample of titles that are available in the library's physical and online reference collection.
Books and ebooks on different historical topics can be found using OneSearch, the Library's search tool. Try searching for your topic in the search box.
Books that are available for check out are located on the 2nd floor of the Library. Reference books are located on the first floor by the Reference Desk.
Choosing to search a specific eBook database will give you different filtering options that can help you narrow your search. You will also have less unrelated information to sort through.
Formally called "Gale Virtual Reference Library." Ebooks, subject-specific encyclopedias, biographies, and contemporary topics organized into a variety of subjects including business, education, environment, medicine, mythology, science, and technology. Easy to search. Citations provided.
Over 3 million articles from dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, quotation sources and atlases. Articles are often very short. “Mind Maps” help with topic exploration. Includes video content.