Honors ENG102/CRE101 Learning Community


After watching the videos, start to create a research strategy for your project.  Include the following:

  • One or more research questions
  • Several keywords related to your topic
  • Identify two types of sources and explain why they would be helpful for your research

What Is a Research Strategy?

A research strategy is a plan or process designed to make information exploration more efficient and effective.  While it may not be difficult to find something on a topic just by searching, what comes up in the results may not be current or credible or relevant to your specific research questions.  Developing a strategy will help to ensure that you are searching for the best sources on your topic.

Framing a Research Question

Types of Sources

A major step in the research process is to make sure that you are looking in the right place for the information you need.  This involves identifying what types of sources are most likely to provide what you're looking for.  While books, articles, and websites may all have information on your topic, the information that each provides is affected by a variety of factors, such as who the author is, who the intended audience is, and what the process is for publication.  Certain sources may be more current and easier to search (like a website), while others may provide more information and evidence (like a book).  More than likely, your research may benefit from consulting a variety of source types.  To better understand the differences, watch the video below.