Open Educational Resources

Phoenix College Librarian

Profile Photo
Ben Aloe
Social: YouTube Page

What Are Open Educational Resources?

Open Educational Resources (OER) are free or low cost materials that have less restrictive copyright requirements than traditional “for profit” items. Most OER use Creative Commons licensing which allows the reuse and often the revising, remixing and sharing of the material as long as certain license requirements are met, such as giving credit to the original creator.

This site is designed as a starting point to help faculty find and learn more about different types of OER materials they can use in their courses.

If you have questions, or know of other resources that should be added to this site, contact
Ben Aloe (

Why OER?

This short video from the Why Open Education Matters website shows some of the benefits of using OER in your classes. 

Creative Commons License
This video from Why Open Education Matters is licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.