EDU222: Intro to the Exceptional Learner

A guide for EDU 222

Tips For Answering "Who" (AUTHOR)

In each of the boxes to the right, we have listed an important question to ask yourself.  Remember to use the techniques given to answer "Who?" quickly and easily!

What is the Web Address or URL?

  • Read the URL (Web address) carefully. Personal pages are often identified by a ~ or %. They frequently are loaded on .edu or .com sites, like or

  • Examine the domain to help you identify the type of organization that sponsors the site:

  • Educational: .edu, .museum
  • Government: .gov, .mil, .us, .int
  • Business-related: .com, .biz, .jobs, .mobi, .travel, .aero
  • Organization: .org, .coop, .info, .pro
  • Individuals: .name
  • Foreign: country codes, such as .ca, .fr, .jp, .uk

Who Are They?

Some questions you may want to ask when considering who the author is:

  • What are their credentials?
  • How do the authors or publishers make money? How does that influence what they wrote?
  • Who is the publisher or sponsor?
  • Are they reputable?



Do They Know Their Stuff??

  • "Google It!” Google the sponsor’s name or site to locate additional information about them, such as where they work, where they went to school, types of things they research, what others think of them, etc.
  • Search for newspaper articles on the sponsor through the PC Library Online Newspaper Databases
  • Search for formally published articles by the author through the PC Library Online Article Databases

Where's the Contact Info?

  • Click on links within the site (Contact, Contact Us, Help, About,  About Us) to identify individuals responsible for the site. 
  • Look for an author’s email address or rollover an author’s name  to check for a link to more information on him/her.