ENG102: First-Year Composition (Pineda)

This guide was designed specifically for Dr. Pineda's ENG102 students.

Necessary Sources for Research Paper

You will need to incorporate at least 10 trustworthy sources into your research paper (min. 10; max 15.  May exceed 15 with instructor's approval only):

  • Minimum 2 scholarly articles per Bedford p. 53+.
    • Scholarly articles can be found in PC Library databases or in open access (OA) journal repositories.
    • These articles go through a peer-review process.  They are written by experts in the field who strive to present unbiased information based on research.  It is not recommended that students use more than 5 scholarly sources due to their length and complexity.
  • Limit: Maximum 3 articles from the same Web site
  • Minimum 1 multimodal text (e.g., graph, cartoon, video) 
  • May cite 2- 3 blogs depending on the quality of the source

In addition:

  • Do not cite Wikipedia
    • May use Resources section at bottom of a Wikipedia entry to trace a note to its origin and use the original source.
  • May use Google Scholar.  How can I connect Google Scholar to PC library resources?
  • If there is any doubt about using sources such as a blog or personal email, please check with the instructor before using the source in the final paper.