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Streaming classic and popular films. Rediscover your favorites.
For writing assistance, check out the services provided by the Learning Commons.
Thousands of streaming video, most with educational content and transcripts. More academic-leaning than other PC Library video databases. Worth digging into. Citations provided.
A vast collection of online books covering a wide range of topics including children’s and adult fiction, non-fiction, biographies, business, computer science, cooking, crafts, education, engineering, humor, law, literature and criticism, law, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, religion, science, self-help, social sciences, sports and games, study aids, language learning, travel, true crime. Citations provided.
Over 32,000 videos from multiple producers, including Frontline, HBO, Inside Science, Ken Burns, and BBC. Wide variety of topics, some science and education-related, others are of general interest. Some videos include transcripts.
Peer-reviewed journals, ebooks, art, and primary source research. While the publication dates tend to be a little older, this is one of the best databases at PC for topics in humanities, literature, and psychology. Some content requires creating a (free) account or logging in with your Google account. Citations provided. (Looking for ARTstor? It's now part of JSTOR too!)
Popular, documentary and education-related films. Set up an account to create a “Watchlist,” post comments, rate and share your movies. A great variety of streaming videos. Something for everyone. Download the Kanopy app from Apple App Store and Google Play Store to play our collection on your phone.
Access to The New York Times from 1851 to the present. Use the TimesMachine to access historical articles. Click on the toolbar on the left-hand side, select "More," and then click on "Tools & Services." Scroll to the bottom to find the TimesMachine.
Streaming classic and popular films. Rediscover your favorites.