MUC109: Music Business

This guide provides a variety of resources for information and research on the music business; including careers in artist management, music studios, music engineering, music production, videographers and independent music artists.

Sample of Books about the Music Industry

Finding Books

One Search, the library's discovery tool, is a great resource for finding books. Use the search box below to explore the collection using One Search.


Books in the library are organized by Library of Congress call numbers that group books together by topics.

The most common call number ranges for Music Business/Music Trade are:

Call Number Description
ML 3790-3792 Music Trade
ML 3795

Music as a profession, Vocational Guides


In addition to searching keywords relevant to your topic, consider using these subject terms to find sources about your topic. 

Music -- Vocational Guidance
Music -- Economic Aspects
Music Publicity
Music -- Discography -- Bibliography
Magnetic recorders and recording -- History
Packaging -- Design
Sound recordings -- Social aspects
Sound -- Recording and reproducing
Sound recording industry