Use Google to search for educational, government and organizational websites.
To construct a site search in Google use the following formats: = educational sites = government sites = organizational sites
For example: water and pollution uranium mining and Navajo macrobiotic diet and sustainable agriculture
Bissonnette on Costume
A Visual Dictionary of Fashion, Kent State University Museum. You can search this site by using a Geographic Search, a Time Search, or a Subject Search.
The Costume Page
Sources on the study of Costume and Costume History
The Costumer's Manifesto
Links related to Western Costume History, by period.
Fashion - Era
Fashion – Era contains images of Fashion History, Costume History, Clothing, Textiles and Social History.
Footwear of the Middle Ages
An ongoing examination of the history and development of Footwear and Shoemaking Techniques up to the end of the sixteenth century.
Helibrunn Timeline: Costume in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fashion history timeline created by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, from pieces in their collection.
Kent State University - Fashion Resources: Clothing & Costume
Compendium of useful links for the student of fashion and costume.
Online information can come in many different forms - social media, blogs, personal experiences, books, journal and magazine articles, newspapers, and websites - and the type of information you need will change depending on the question you are trying to answer. Different assignments also require information from a variety of sources, so it's important to recognize the difference in what you find on the web. Most of the sources in this image can be found both online as well as by using PC Library resources.