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Click on the links to find answers to some of our most popular questions about articles.
... and some issues feature full-length plays! Follow these steps to find them:
Visit the American Theatre Play Index for a complete list of plays, organized by playwright last name.
Return to this page and click on the magazine cover to search for the issue containing your chosen play.
Enjoy exploring this collection, with issues available from 1992 to the present day!
Library databases will give you instant access to thousands of sources, including biographical information, newspaper articles, and magazines and journals. Here is a sample of library databases that may be helpful for this subject area.
Titles in the fields of art, architecture, design, history, philosophy, music, literature, theatre, and cultural studies.
With more than 150 full-text magazines and journals covered in databases such as the Wilson Art Index and RILM, Fine Arts Collection provides support for research in areas such as drama, music, art history, and filmmaking.
Peer-reviewed scholarly journals and magazines related to science, social sciences and humanities. Easy search tools help you find images, videos, news, and books too! Audio files often included. APA and MLA citations provided.
Full-text magazines, journals, and other resources most of which are peer-reviewed. Wide range of subjects. A great place to start most research projects. Images and videos accompany most topics. Citations provided.
Full-text magazines, reference books and primary source documents including video, photos, maps and flags. Some trade publications for workers in various professions. Citations provided.
While you can write an entire sentence in Google and get relevant search results, databases aren't as friendly. Using keywords, or the main words that are related to your research question, helps you search smarter and get better results.
As you begin to develop your topic, start making a list of keywords that you can use in your search (there are many different ways to say the same thing, so you might need a lot of them). Once you come up with a list of words, don't be afraid to try them all! Trying different combinations can give you different results each time you search, so keep playing around and see what you come up with.
Learn more about using keywords from California State University, San Bernardino:
Use connector terms, called Boolean Operators, when you want to combine search terms. There are three main Boolean operators: AND, OR, and NOT. Very briefly, here's how they work:
You'll probably find yourself using AND or OR the most when searching the databases, but it's helpful to know how all three work in case you ever need to create a more complex search.
Use quotation marks to help you search for an exact phrase. This technique narrows your search. For example, using the phrase "sleep disorders" (with quotation marks) makes sure your search results will have that exact phrase somewhere in your results. Other examples:
"virtual environment" "cost benefit analysis" "social media"
Use truncation to search for different endings of the same root word, or to replace letters. To search for all alternate endings of a word, search with the root of the word and then an asterisk*.
Pollut* - This search will find all variations of the word, including pollute, pollutes, polluted, pollution.
Using the truncation strategy can help speed up your searching.