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Searching for items using the Library Catalog

Search for Books and DVDs at the PC Library

To place a hold through our Library Catalog:

  1. ​​Search for the book in the Library Catalog. 
  2. Double-check that the book is available either at PC or another Maricopa Community College Library (Status = Availalbe). 
  3. Log in with your MEID and Password
  4. Click the Request button.
  5. Select the pickup library from the drop-down list.
  6. It usually takes about 3 working days for the book to arrive.

Using Subject Headings to Find Material

What are Subject Headings?

  • Subject headings are a set of terms or phrases that classify library materials. 
  • They are helpful it that they can lead you to all the materials the library has on a given subject. 
  • Most library catalogs and databases use subject headings.

You can find subject headings in the library catalog:

  • Search for an item in the library catalog
  • Click on the subject link(s) to be taken to a list of library materials related to the subject heading