Remember, your Instructor requires you cite the films you watch in this class.
You can cite all the films as Motion Pictures, see the APA example below:
Parts of the Citation
Producer, P. P. (Producer), & Director, D. D. (Director). (Date of publication).
Title of motion picture [Motion picture]. Country of origin: Studio or distributor.
Galan, H. (Producer). (2007). Chicano!: The history of the Mexican American civil rights
movement [Motion Picture]. United States: National Latino Communications Center.
Films for Class
Title: A Seat at the Table: Struggling for American Indian Religious Freedom
Producer: Gary Rhine
Publication Information: Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Media, 2005.
Title: Broken Treaty at Battle Mountain
Produced and directed by Joel L. Freedman
Publication Info: New York : Cinnamon Productions, 1984
Available on DVD from PC Library - call# E99.S4 B765
Title: Circle of Stories: Native American Stories from the Four Directions
Produced and directed by: Hank Rogerson and Jilann Spitzmiller.
Publication Info: Berkeley, CA : Berkeley Media, 2012
Title: Hopi: Corn is Life
Producer, director, writer: Donald Coughlin ; associate producer, Therese Burson
Publication Info: Tucson, AZ: Tellens, Inc. 1997
Title: Hopi: songs of the fourth world
Producer and director: Pat Ferrero
Publication Information: Harriman, N.Y. : New Day Films ; Ferrero Films, c2008
Title: Kinaaldá : a Navajo rite of passage
Producer: Lena Carr
Publication Information: New York : Women Make Movies, 2000.
Available on DVD from PC Library: In Library Use only call# EE99.T34 H654
Title: Homeland: Four portraits of native action
Produced and directed by Roberta Grossman
Co-producer, Smokey Forester
Publication Information: Berkeley, CA : Katahdin Productions : Orchard Pictures, 2005.
Title: In Whose Honor?
Producer: Rosenstein, Jay
Publication Information: Harriman, NY: New Day Films, 1997.
Title: The long walk : tears of the Navajo
Producers: John Howe
Publication Information: Salt Lake City, Utah: KUED 7, 2008.
Available on DVD from PC Library: In Library Use only call# E99 .N3 L77 2008
Title: Miss Navajo
Producers: Billy Luther
Publication Information: New York, NY : Cinema Guild, 2007.
Title: My Louisiana Love
Producers: Mallozzi, Julie
Publication Information: Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Media, 2013.
Title: The Peyote Road : ancient religion in contemporary crisis
Producers: Gary Rhine
Directors: Fidel Moreno, Gary Rhine, and Phil Cousineau
Publication Information: San Francisco, CA: Kifaru Productions,1992.
Title: To Protect Mother Earth : broken treaty II
Producers: Robert Redford; Joel L Freedman
Publication Information: New York : Cinnamon Productions, 1989.
Available on DVD from PC Library: In Library Use only call# E99.S4 T678
Title: Up Heartbreak Hill
Producers: Erica Scharf and Christina D. King.
Publication Information: Brooklyn New York: American Documentary, 2012
Title: The return of Navajo Boy
Producer: Jeff Spitz
Publication Information: Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Media, 2000.
Title: Seasons of a Navajo
Producer: John Borden
Publication Information: New York, N.Y.: Films Media Group, 1984.
Title: Sunrise Dance
Producer: Gianfranco Norelli
Publication Information: New York, N.Y. : Filmakers Library, 1994.
Title: Woven Ways
Producer: Linda Helm Krapf
Publication Information: Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Media, 2009.