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Painting of a Hopi-Tewa Plaza Dance by Raymond Naha (1933-1975)
Thousands of streaming video, most with educational content and transcripts. More academic-leaning than other PC Library video databases. Worth digging into. Citations provided.
Over 3 million articles from dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, quotation sources and atlases. Articles are often very short. “Mind Maps” help with topic exploration. Includes video content.
Over 32,000 videos from multiple producers, including Frontline, HBO, Inside Science, Ken Burns, and BBC. Wide variety of topics, some science and education-related, others are of general interest. Some videos include transcripts.
Content from history periodicals including primary sources, photos, maps, videos, and biographies. Works are divided into two main categories: US History and World History. A great place to dig deep into historical topics. Citations provided.
Search the archive of National Geographic Magazine (1888-present) and National Geographic’s People, Animals and the World collection, eBooks and National Geographic History Magazine. Some articles available in audio format.