AJS258: Victimology (Saunders)

Electronic Resources

Savvy Searching

Constructing a good search can save you a lot of time and effort.  By creating better searches, you can eliminate many irrelevant hits.  The following search tips and strategies can help you find more relevant information.

Phrase Searching - Putting "quotes" around your search words tells the database that you are looking for that exact phrase.

Example: "secondhand smoke"

Try Different Wording (synonyms) - Think of different words that describe your topic.

  • Example: "secondhand smoke"     Try: "passive smoking"

Try a Broader Search - Sometimes you might choose keywords that overly specific. Try to think of a broader term that includes your topic.  The more general the search, more results are likely.

  • Example: cigars     Try: tobacco

Look for Limiters - Search tools often present options for limiting by date or range of dates, full-text or specific format, publication type, etc.  Look for advanced search options to find search features that may not be obvious at first.