EDU221: Introduction to Education

Education resources grouped by topic areas that match the course syllabus.

Streaming Video

Click on the TITLE of the video to watch the entire video or select a specific segment(s).

How Children Learn (23:00)

Adolescent Cognition: Thinking in a New Key (31:00)

Optimizing Different Learning Styles (30:00)

RTI and DI: The Dynamic Duo (37:00)

Performance Assessment: A Teacher’s Way of Knowing (21:00)

Lessons from the Real World: Social Issues and Student Involvement (55:00) - Video about community-based learning with action-oriented lessons that take place outside of the classroom.

The Hobart Shakespeareans: A Case Study in Exceptional Teaching (53:00)

Online Reference Books

Click the TITLE of the book to access the full-text online version.

Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies (2010) 

Encyclopedia of Education (2003) - Includes a section on "learning theory."

Psychology of Classroom Learning: An Encyclopedia (2009)


Credo Reference Books (Online)

Enter your keywords directly in the search boxes below to locate background information in encyclopedias and dictionaries from Credo Reference and Gale eBooks.