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TEC125: Fashion Design (Ellis)

Studying Fashion in Context

Getting Started

Welcome to the TEC125 Research Guide!  

This guide is designed to help you find resources for your TEC125 assignments.

To get started:

1. Look over your assignment -- read the instructions carefully so that you understand the full scope of the assignment and each component.

2. Choose a historical period or moment -- for help with this, use the Fashion Timeline resources below and consider using some of the Fashion History resources listed on this guide in the "Milestone A" tab.

3. Identify your information needs and the types of resources that can provide that information -- for this assignment, you will need a variety of information (including images and scholarly articles), so consider which library and web resources will best fit each information need.

Fashion & History: What's important?


What kinds of information should your research explore?

  • Create Context - try to understand the time period by investigating major events and movements; important ideas and cultural developments; new technologies and changes to daily life; and social interactions and personal identities.
  • Explore Fashion - how did people dress during this time? What meaning did clothing and dress have to the people wearing them?  Find examples to establish what was fashionable at the time.
  • Make Connections - how did the historical context effect fashion (and vise versa)?  What did fashion communicate for the individual and the larger society?
  • Find Images - are its images representative of a period style? Do they represent layers, colors, silhouette, and fabrics accurately?

content used with permission from from FIT Library

Getting Started - Fashion Time Periods

Fashion History Timeline

Fashion History Timeline

A project created by FIT art history faculty and students, the Fashion History Timeline features overviews of time periods, and definition of key fashion history terms.  It provides hundreds of visual examples as well as lists of primary and secondary resources for further research.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Met's collection includes more than 40,000 items dating from contemporary fashion back to 4,000 B.C. ranging from recent couture to textiles and accessories that give insight into life from the pre-Columbian era.