Searching library databases is a great way to locate resources for this class. PC Library databases include scholarly articles, images, eBooks, videos, and articles from popular magazines.
A searchable archive of American Vogue, from the first issue in 1892 to the current month, reproduced in high-resolution color page images.
Peer-reviewed journals, ebooks, art, and primary source research. While the publication dates tend to be a little older, this is one of the best databases at PC for topics in humanities, literature, and psychology. Some content requires creating a (free) account or logging in with your Google account. Citations provided. (Looking for ARTstor? It's now part of JSTOR too!)
Articles and photos illustrating popular culture (art, recreation, politics, music, etc.) through the ages. Citations provided.
Not sure where to start - use ONE SEARCH to search all library databases at the same time!
Bissonnette on Costume
A Visual Dictionary of Fashion, Kent State University Museum. You can search this site by using a Geographic Search, a Time Search, or a Subject Search.
The Costume Page
Sources on the study of Costume and Costume History
The Costumer's Manifesto
Links related to Western Costume History, by period.
Fashion - Era
Fashion – Era contains images of Fashion History, Costume History, Clothing, Textiles and Social History.
Footwear of the Middle Ages
An ongoing examination of the history and development of Footwear and Shoemaking Techniques up to the end of the sixteenth century.
Helibrunn Timeline: Costume in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fashion history timeline created by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, from pieces in their collection.
Kent State University - Fashion Resources: Clothing & Costume
Compendium of useful links for the student of fashion and costume.