JSTOR (formerly ArtStor) is a premium database for finding images and information about works of art - including fashion. You can tailor your search based on time period to find images and artifacts throughout history. Use the images tab to search!
(Note: sometimes JSTOR will not load correctly due to an issue with permissions. If it is not loading a result page, you can open it in an incognito window by holding down the following keys: CTRL+SHIFT+N and log in using your MEID and password.)
Peer-reviewed journals, ebooks, art, and primary source research. While the publication dates tend to be a little older, this is one of the best databases at PC for topics in humanities, literature, and psychology. Some content requires creating a (free) account or logging in with your Google account. Citations provided. (Looking for ARTstor? It's now part of JSTOR too!)
The videos below offer ideas and tips for making your PowerPoint presentation clear, effective, and visually appealing.