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This guide is designed for Phoenix College nursing students conducting background research and utilizing evidence-based practice (EBP). EBP is the integration of clinical expertise, patient values, and the best research evidence into the decision making process for patient care (Sackett, 1996).
Evidence-based nursing (EBN) is "an ongoing process by which evidence, nursing theory and the practitioners’ clinical expertise are critically evaluated and considered, in conjunction with patient involvement, to provide delivery of optimum nursing care for the individual" (Scott & McSherry, 2009). Along with learning from textbooks, instructors, and clinicals, Phoenix College nursing students develop independent evidence-based critical thinking skills for future patient care decision making in real clinical settings.
Sackett, D. (1996). Evidence-based medicine: what it is and what it isn't. BMJ, 312, 71-72.
Scott, K. & McSherry, R. (2009). Evidence based nursing: clarifying the concepts for nurses in practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18(8): 1085-95.